Monday, June 21, 2010

Stock Control - application and evaluation

Examples might include:

* A business that is growing will need to review its re-order and buffer stock levels, and the frequency and size of orders

* Look out for seasonality in a business; larger or more frequent orders may be needed in busy times

* If the supplier is having trouble supplying goods on time, the firm might need to re-order at an earlier point (or seek a new supplier!)

*Does the firm have a back-up supplier in case of delays?

* Could small additional orders be made with a supplier as a stop gap if the firm’s stock runs out suddenly? Note - these orders would be more expensive because of extra transport costs and lower discount level


When you are preparing for a stock take you need to know all the factors that involves stock take and have a influence on the end of the day.

The factors of Stock

1. Environmental ( Staff, time and date)
2. Purchases and sales ( Documentation)
3. Stock preparation
4. Stock count

The environmental factors goes hand on hand with planning and preparation of stock take.

1. People ( You need to inform your staff and customers )
2. Time
3. Date
4. Space

Types of stock

1. Equipment (Capital)
2. Furniture
3. Operating stock

Stock control

1. In store room - Purchases
2. What is sold - Sales
3. Still in use - On hand

The different types of documentation that you use to process a stock control is forms and sheets like, order forms, delivery, issue/journal forms, reduction reports, stock sheets etc.

To improve efficiently of preparation of stock take, always confirm with your stock supplier that there are no deliveries during stock take.

It is important that you familiarize yourself with your stock and your stock sheets. You must also make sure that the stock sheets contains the right information about a item.

Stock take sheets information contains

Description, quantity, stock count and total

Stock sheet

Description,unit size, price, open stock, purchases, Issue, spoilage, closing stock, actual and value.

The storeroom where you keep your stock must always be secure, dry and organised.

Slide show ( Will upload soon ) !!!

Friday, June 4, 2010

First Aid

Last week I've done my Level 1 of first Aid. I have learnt a couple of skills and procedures to follow in case of an emergency. In a hospitality industry it is necessary to have first aid, because you come in a lot of situations where there is emergency's.

The procedure that you need to follow when you approach a person that needs help is:

1. Hazards
Look around you if there is any hazard that may affect you and your patient
2. Hello
Introduce yourself to the patient and ask permission to assist him/her, ask the
Patient questions so that you can determine if the person is conscious or not.
3. Help
Call the emergency services
4. Airway
Make sure the patient’s airway is open and that there is no possible airway
5. Breathing
Look, listen and feel
If not breathing do rescue breathing
6. Circulation
7. Stop severe bleeding
Direct, pressure points or elevating.

The CPR process

C - Cardio
P - Pulmonary
R - Resuscitation

1. Open the airway (only in the sniffing position) and do 2 rescue breaths
2. The chest must rise when doing rescue breaths
3. Do 30 chest compressions
4. Press 4-5cm deep
5. Landmark - in the centre of the breastbone
6. Shoulder over the patient and keep the arms straight
7. Ratio of compressions: rescue breaths is 30:2

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Fire prevention training

Friday was a very interesting and fun day. Friday morning Chef Edward was facilitating us with the theoretical part of fire prevention.

Our establishment’s procedure on discovering a fire is:

Step 1
Stay calm at all times. You must make sure you have the following information:
* Where the fire is?
* What type of fire it is?
* How big the fire is?

Step 2
Raise the alarm

Step 3
Inform the manager on duty and the head of department

Step 4
If small fire, use appropriate fire extinguisher.

Step 5
If you can not tackle the fire, immediately evacuate according to company's procedures and assist guest on further.

Step 6
On your way out close the doors and windows and switch off any electrical equipment.

Step 7
Evacuate to designated assembly area.


Signage,Peramedic vests, Paramedic helmets, Airtex jackets, Fire-fighter helmet, Bibs, Safety shoes and boots, Bunker boots, Bunker gear, Bunker kit bags, Grass fire mask, ESS goggles, Uvex safety goggles, Nomex flash suit, Kermel clothing, NOmex Heat resistant gloves, Balaclava's, Evacuation caps, Evacuation plans, Gloves, Hard hats, Road cones, Red flag etc.

Fire extinguishers

Carbon dioxide - These are used on electrical fires as well as fires involving flammable liquids and gasses, such as petrol, butane and cooking oil.

Fire blanket - These are used on small fires, and if someone's clothing is alight and they work to smother the fire by depriving it of oxygen.

Powder - These are used on electrical fires, as well as fires involving flammable liquids and gasses. They can also be used on fires involving wood, paper, rubber and plastic.

Foam - These are used on fires involving flammable liquids and gases, such as petrol, butane and cooking oil.

Fire hose - These are only used on fires involving wood, paper, rubber and plastic, not on any other type of fire.

Friday afternoon we went to the workshop to do our practical in fire fighting, it was lots of fun. Heino,Sieg,Wesley and Ed showed us how to start the pump and the procedures to follow.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Parents day on the 29 April

On that day we had a parent’s day for all the 1st year students. The morning we set up the hall with all the equipment for example computer, projector and screen so that we can show a slideshow of the students.

Our 2nd year Hotel students set up a coffee station that involves cups, saucers, teaspoons, hot coffee and water, warm milk and the sugar/tea container. Throughout the day we checked that the coffee station is stocked up and if it is clean and in order. After that I welcomed the parents by the reception area in a friendly and appropriate manner and referred them to the Piccinni's hall.

After all the speeches the parents went for a game drive and tour and then our students set up the lunch area with plates, cutlery, crockery, juices, condiments and shaving dishes with spoons.

We served lunch and also checked on the serving area that everything is enough and in order.
Afterwards we greeted the parents and wished them a safe journey back home.

All of this then ended up with cleaning and putting equipment and all dirty cutlery and crockery in the kitchen or in the appropriate places.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Yesterday I completed my workbooks of Accommodation Operations and Services. A workbook basically test your knowledge on a specific module, it helps a lot when you need to prepare for a test, because the workbook summarize all the work in one piece. I like to do workbooks because it covers all your Knowledge requirements that I need to know to complete the module. Sometimes it can be a bit tricky but then I just go back to my Learner guide that helps me to find the answer.