Thursday, May 28, 2009

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Egg flaurentine

Egg flaurentine is a classical breakfast in france. Is toast, spinach, poached egg, bechamel and mozerella cheese

A chef's uniform

  • The toque = It keeps hair up and out of the food, while absorbing some of the moisture from an overheated brow.
  • The jacket = In addition, there are two layers of protection from spills, splashes, heat and steam.
  • The side towel = To protect their hands while lifting hot items from the stove or oven.
  • The apron = Aprons are worn over the jacket and around midsection to protect the uniform as well as the Chef.
  • The trousers = A chef wears small checkered pattern trousers, that are effective in dishuising the inevitable stains, which develop while working.
  • The shoes = Hard leather shoes with slip - resistant soles are recommended, both for protection and support.
  • The necktie = Keeping the neck and throat protected from the exstreme fluctuations between the stovetops and the fridge's.

Monday, May 18, 2009


Here is a few pictures of how the guesthouse looks like. I love to work in there. In the guesthouse is 7 rooms. Each one of the is a 5star ***** room.
From left : Chane , Barbara, Me , Robyn and Vinolia

Preparing food for students


This is our knive set
We mostly use the chef's knive which is the big knive.


I've never got the chance to slauter an animal. So one day Chef Edward taught us how to do it.


This is picture of our student visiting the reception. They do the bookings of the facilities and activities...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

First day at Wildlife centre

In the first week we visit the different departments at Sondela. We went from the reception to SSB... The department I fall in love with was the Wild life centre. The people that are working there is so friendly and they show you how to feed the animals. Ive never feed a buck before and trust me that was fun...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Knife skills

  • Always stand up straight
  • Your cutting board must be even with the table
  • Put a wet cloth under the board, so that it cant move
  • Put your thum behind middle finger

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Cooking methods

  • Boiling
  • Baking
  • Gratinating
  • Sauteing
  • Blanching
  • Shallow frying
  • Frying
  • Poaching
  • Grilling
  • Braizing
  • Roasting
  • Pot roasting
  • Steaming
  • Glazing

What is a chef?

Somewhere between the innocence of the new pot-washer and the majestic indignation of the local tycoon ( who wants a special dinner tonight and you're booked solid) there is a harassed, tormented, overworked, underpaid, pitiful creature known as the "Chef".

The Chef is also the manager, the cook, the boss, and the supervisor. Chefs comes in all sizes, shapes, and conditions. You find them everywhere - upstairs, downstairs, at the stove, in the freezer, checking portions, repairing equipment , in the kitchen, in the restaurant, in the storeroom, in the office, or in the pantry.

A Chef is patience with a clenched fist, humor with fingers crossed, experience with scars on hands, imagination with a recipe, and a childlike trust in the honesty of guest.

A Chef has the work capacity of a computer, the energy of a lion, the curiosity of a cat, the lungs of an umpire, and the enthusiasm of a child at a circus.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Pretty stuff from the guesthouse that we've made.
Its very delicious

Monday, May 11, 2009

The first time I walked into the training kitchen 5 February, I thought that its going to be an easy job. But really it isn't. Chef's works hard and long hours. But being a chef is awesome!!!