Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A chef's uniform

  • The toque = It keeps hair up and out of the food, while absorbing some of the moisture from an overheated brow.
  • The jacket = In addition, there are two layers of protection from spills, splashes, heat and steam.
  • The side towel = To protect their hands while lifting hot items from the stove or oven.
  • The apron = Aprons are worn over the jacket and around midsection to protect the uniform as well as the Chef.
  • The trousers = A chef wears small checkered pattern trousers, that are effective in dishuising the inevitable stains, which develop while working.
  • The shoes = Hard leather shoes with slip - resistant soles are recommended, both for protection and support.
  • The necktie = Keeping the neck and throat protected from the exstreme fluctuations between the stovetops and the fridge's.

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