Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Identify the resources to deliver an accommodation service

Today I've learnt how to identify resources required to provide a service. I’m using an example on a staff building (office) that is not in a good condition and needs to be upgraded. The types of resources that you will need:
1. Manpower
Manpower is your staff. You need to know who are your staff and what is their
Responsibility. You must also have a plan and a schedule in action to prevent
poor performance.
2. Materials
You must identify the materials and see if there is materials in stock and if they
have everything they need.
3. Financial
When you are upgrading a building then your must have plan a budget for it and see
if it is possible or not.
4. Time
Time-management is very important. You must have a schedule for the staff. It is
important to do some research to see when is your establishment busy and when not,
you must also look at the time of the year so that you can see if the weather is
not going to have an influence in your work.
5. Management and control
You must follow up on the staff to see if the job is done in the correct way and
to control them on the job that is busy taking place.
6. Use of computers
It is always good to have a neatly typed plan and a design to show to management
what is your plan and how you are going to do it. It is neater and much more

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