Monday, March 22, 2010

Weekend of 20-21 March 2010

This weekend I've worked at the housekeeping department. Friday night we did Guest welcoming at their chalets. What we do is, we go to each chalet and welcome the guest and ask if everything if fine and in order. We asked the guest questions like, was the chalet clean and if the inventory is correct. If we do have problems then we immediately apologize and take immedial action. We then report the situation to the appropriate person for example maintenance or the manager on duty.

My responsibility for the weekend was the storerooms. The maintenance did their issues by me, the major stuff I've issued was a new fridge and 2 televisions.

I've enjoyed my weekend to work with the team and I also kept my ears open to hear if there was 'n problem and what happened there after. If it was a problem with housekeeping then I listened and followed up on the problem by Lucy our executive housekeeper.

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