Thursday, April 22, 2010


Yesterday I completed my workbooks of Accommodation Operations and Services. A workbook basically test your knowledge on a specific module, it helps a lot when you need to prepare for a test, because the workbook summarize all the work in one piece. I like to do workbooks because it covers all your Knowledge requirements that I need to know to complete the module. Sometimes it can be a bit tricky but then I just go back to my Learner guide that helps me to find the answer.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Guest service

On Friday's and Saturday’s we are doing guest service.
We get a list of all the chalets that is checking in and we go to each of the chalets.
We first greet the guest in an appropriate way. We then ask them questions like: Was the chalet clean? Is there any problems? and etc.
If there is a complaint or faulty electrical appliances then we immediately apologize and then deal it immediately. You either going to report it to the supervisor or the maintenance team.


On the 15th I was an assistant team leader with a team leader of the chalets.

The responsibilities of a team leader are as follow:

1. Check that all you cleaning ladies has attended
2. Explain to them all the duties of the day and the schedules.
3. Make sure they have everything they need for example their chemicals, materials and equipment.
4. Make sure they are at the correct chalets/rooms
5. Spray the necessary chemicals for them on items that is necessary for example oven cleaner in the oven and etc.
6. When they do need help to clean then you help them.
7. After they cleaned you go and check if everything is in working order and clean.
8. If there is a crises or problem then the team leader must report it to the supervisor and handle the situation.
9. The team leader constantly do guest service and ask guest if everything is fine.

Chemical storeroom

On Wednesday's we go the chemical storeroom to prepare for the following day when all the cleaners come and get their chemicals for the week.

Basically the first thing we do is we check what chemicals are low on hand, then we put our protective clothes on that contains of an apron, hand gloves and mask.
We go through all the empty bottles to make sure it is clean. We then started to prepare the chemicals by mix some of the chemicals with water. After mixing we fill up all the different chemicals in their specific bottles/containers. We then make sure the bottles are dry on the outside and clean. We put the chemicals separate from others chemicals.

After all of this you make sure the storeroom is clean and then write all the stock that you have used on the stock sheet.

How to deal with a lost item

In the housekeeping department you deal with a lot of lost and found items. When you find a lost item then you must put the item in a plastic bag or container. On a piece of paper you write the date, time, chalet/room number, description of the item and the cleaner’s name.
You then take the item to your supervisor and they write the details in a lost/found book that is kept in their office.
They take the item and store it in the lost/found storeroom and lock it.

I've dealt with a couple of request that the guest phoned and asked for their belongings. If you have it then you asked them what is the item, colour and etc.

You asked them how would they like to have it, they can either come and fetch it themselves/family member or we can post the item for them, we then give them our banking details so that they can pay the fees of posting. We then take their information for the post. After their faxed their proof of payment then we post the item to them.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Journals and Invoices

Yesterday I journal materials and equipment to different departments. What happens is that when the cleaner comes and issue materials or equipment then we write it on our issue sheet and then on the end of the week we journal the expenses to the department and then the amount will be submitted on their account.

I've done a couple of invoices, first you go to the storeroom and make a list of all the equipment and materials that is low on hand and needs to be stocked up. You then sort them under each supplier that you need to contact and place the order. You take your invoice book and open a new order for them. You write the date, department, your name and the supplier with their contact number. You contact the supplier and tell them what you need. After they took you order you tell them your order number that is on top of the paper, they put the number on their invoice.

When they come and deliver the order you placed then you check the stock for condition, the correct quantity and correct product. You sign on their invoice with your name and date.

The invoice book is a triplicate with a white paper, green paper and a yellow one. You write all the details of the product on the paper: the quantity, product, cost and your organisation's stock codes.

You make a copy of the supplier's invoice and attached it to the white paper. The white paper usually goes to the supplier or we file it. The original invoice must be attached to the green paper and the HOD's of the suppliers must sign to authorise the order. The green paper with the invoice goes to the head office to the creditors department so that they pay the supplier for the stock.
The yellow paper stays in the invoice book for future reference.
After everything is done then the stock controller must put all the stock in the appropriate places and she must put the stock on the stock system.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

"Pakstoor Sales"

While I'm in the Housekeeping department I noticed that there wasn't a complete and satisfied system and procedure for all the sales of the second hand equipment, linen, crockery and etc. So I then designed a system for the staff that they must follow when they are selling stuff.

I made a list what they must fill in for example information like, date, receipt number, amount and the signature to approve the sale.

*I gave them a triplicate receipt book.
*The first page they must fill in the necessary information and signature from the HOD, then the page must go to the buyer.
*The second page must be teared off and filed with the list for reference.
*The third page stays in book for future reference.

When the list is full then all the money must be paid in by the head office and then the person who took the money must sign for the correct amount. The receipt of the amount paid in must be placed with the list and receipts in a file called “Pakstoor verkope”.

The receipts must be accurate and the correct order 1, 2, 3 etc, if there is a mistake and the the receipt must be cancelled then there the reason must be stated on the receipt and signed by HOD.

All the money is kept in the safe with the list.

The reason why I designed this procedure is because before there was no correspondence on any sales and no tract was kept on money.

I feel very satisfied with my plan and hope it will be followed and be successful.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

How to deal with an angry guest

Yesterday we had a situation where the reception gave guest the wrong keys of their chalets and they are on they way to the chalet. So then me and Christene went to the chalet and waited for them there. When they arrived we told them about the whole situation and immediately apologize to the guest.

We told them that they must follow us to the reception to get the correct keys. When we arrived at the correct chalet the lady seems to be very irritated and angry. So I apologize to her and told her that we will follow the situation up and correct it immediately. But the whole time I stayed calm and friendly.

Here are some 6 steps that I personally developed:
1. Say Sorry and apologize
2. Make It Right
3. Make Sure They Are Happy
4. Follow Through – Make sure you follow through on the actions you agree to take.
5. Offer Them a Reason to Come Back
6. Improve

Adriano's house

On the 31/02 me and Christene went to the owner of Sondela (Adriano's) house to check on the cleaners if everything is clean and in order as the way he wants it. It is important to check if everything is still in working order for example: Light bulbs, Plugs and taps.

You must also check for cleanliness on walls, floors, bookshelves and under furniture.
I'm a very organised person and for me everything must be perfect and in place.

The following key points must be checked on:
1. Is the beds made up according to company's standards?
2. Is all electrical equipment in working order?
3. Are the floors and walls clean and free from stains?
4. Is the furnisture on the correct spots?
5. Is the bathrooms clean?
6. Are there clean linen and towels in the cupboards?
7. Does the bathroom have clean towels?
8. Is all amenities in place and in a good condition?
